Yoga can be confusing –
We offer a place to start feeling better.

Classes for all your goals.
Hundreds of online classes with filters to help you narrow your choices by duration, by difficulty or area of focus, and five class categories that best suit your needs.
Want to take an in-person class? We have that, too!
A style focused on you.
We are unrivaled in our deep understanding of anatomy and mechanics. We even take little sojourns into psychology and cognition. Add it all up, and we’ve arrived at an impactful style of yoga unlike anything you’ve tried before.
Jam-packed learning – In-person and Online.
Even if you’re sugar-free, we train the best of the best as well as the beginneriest of the beginner.
Teacher Training? Check.
Workshops? Double Check.
Multi-week Courses? Checked again.
Regular ‘ol Tips, Trips, and Teaching? We do it all!
Improve safely, on your own time and in your own home.
Get stronger, flexibler, and coordinateder anywhere with just your computer or mobile device.
With videos from 10 – 60 minutes, and a style that can give a safe challenge to elite athletes and their grandparents, you can achieve any goal with Yoga Better.
5 am? 11pm? Classes will be there for you.

How are we different?
We have spent more than 20 years and have taught more than 30,000 classes, investigating what works to have you feel better.
For a test of how we think differently, check out the “Yoga Don’ts with Yoga Better” video on Why We Don’t Teach Shoulder Stands.

Videos made for any device.

At My Yoga Better, you get a one-on-one feel in your own home, which is the fastest way to learn both your new practice and your body. Your videos will have high-quality graphics, have clear audio, and will load quickly.
A truly unique style.

The Yoga Better practice is this: develop a connection to your body so profound that you feel better, have better overall functionality, and are stronger and more flexible.
We do it all so that you can live pain-free, be more functional every year, and eventually get on the ground and play with your great grand-children.
What our students have to say…
How did we develop such an awesome style?
With only one word?
That first question breaks the edifice built around ancient disciplines. I am not a scientist, but I love thinking like one. I realized that if something I truly believe in doesn’t stand up to the simplest form of testing, there is something wrong with the system.
Second word?
Fast forward to today, 31,000 classes taught, I am more convinced than ever that there is no single correct way to do anything, but there are definitely better and worse ways. Examining both the justifications of a practice and measuring the results, it becomes possible to notice some things aren’t working.
How about a third word?
If what we have isn’t working, how do we select something new? Can we all agree that if we’re going to do a movement practice like yoga, it should at least positively impact our health? Cool.
As we begin looking for what works great and what doesn’t work well in helping us feel better, we need to see that there is a bunch of convoluted gobbledy gook out there. Shoulderstands are a great example. Every justification for them seems a bit weak, so what if we just inquired a bit? First, what is actually happening when we put body weight on the back of our necks?
This includes the stuff we would like to have (better feet blood flow) and the stuff that we wouldn’t (cervical disc herniation).
Then, we honestly look to see if the benefits are worth the risks. Or more importantly, our biggest question in the Yoga Better style is –
Are there simpler, safer positions that get the same results without the risks?
Everything we teach is the result of that line of thinking.
Both Andria and I were in pain with a multitude of issues before yoga, and both of us sought yoga to feel better. The difference between her and me, is that I spent nearly a decade doing traditional styles, reading hundreds of texts by the leaders of every branch of Indian Yoga. Although my life was transformed in many ways and I felt better, I was getting terrible injuries every few months for years.
There must be a better way.
Once I began teaching, I could see that not only was the Inherited practice (what most people call Traditional Yoga) injuring my body, but it was also injuring my students. I began a progressively deepening study of anatomy, kinesiology, chiropractic, physical therapy, and more. I was looking for the best information on what does work to have the Neck, or the Knees, or the Lower Back feel better. It wasn’t long before I had to truly admit to myself the next idea –
I must acknowledge that I did not really know what I was talking about,
and neither did Iyengar.
Once we tested the stuff, it was pretty straight-forward. If we want to feel better, keep the stuff that works and constantly improve on our practice. If it doesn’t deliver that result, even if you really really really like how it looks, you junk it.
So how might we describe the Yoga Better Style?